Liquid Lecture
July 18th 6pm - 7pm
A monthly Brewshed® Alliance lecture series open to the community with a focus on watershed health, education, and engagement. Free to attend.

Liquid Lecture Flyer
Topic: One Water, One Future
No matter who we are, where we live or what we do, water connects all of us. The One Water approach seeks to transform how the nation views, values, and manages water; it envisions managing all water in a collaborative, integrated, inclusive and holistic manner. Through collaborative exploration of national and local interventions, Sarah Robinson of US Water Alliance will help us understand how a One Water approach can - and already is - helping to solve local water challenges.
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A program of the Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District and the Fountain Creek Brewshed Alliance®
Hosted by Peaks N Pines Brewery (Tutt) - Click for map 4005 Tutt Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80922
**Discounts on beer!**