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Summary of SB 09-141 establishing the District

The Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control & Greenway District (now the Fountain Creek Watershed District) was created under SB09-141, established under Title 32 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS).

S.B. 09-141  Fountain creek watershed, flood control, and greenway district - creation boundaries - governance - powers and duties.  Creates the Fountain creek watershed, flood control, and greenway district.  Specifies the boundaries, governance, and po wers and duties of the district. APPROVED by Governor April 30, 2009 EFFECTIVE April 30, 2009

Timeline of the District

The chart below outlines the major events concerning the District through 2020. Documents and information concerning the District may be found throughout the website.


Fountain Creek Watershed District Timeline
Fountain Creek Watershed District Timeline
Early Documents