Fountain Creek Brewshed® Alliance

The Fountain Creek Brewshed® Alliance is a program of the Fountain Creek Watershed District. The Brewshed® Alliance’s goal is to engage citizens in conversations and actions that will lead to water protection and enhancement. The group consists of water resource and craft brewing industry professionals connecting our communities to the shared values of healthy watersheds and locally made beer through education and events. Do you know of a Colorado craft brewery or taphouse that wants to be a part of the Brewshed® Alliance? Interested in volunteering at events? Email us at

Downloadable 2024 Brewshed Alliance Map
Raise a Glass to Colorado Brews
Colorado has a very strong brewery presence, with over 30 microbreweries operating throughout Colorado Springs, plus more in other parts of the watershed. Beer is composed of 90-95% water, and good water quality is a high priority for the craft brewing industry. Those businesses simply would not exist without high-quality water. Breweries are a gathering place for our communities. They are somewhere you visit with visitors from out of town, where you go to celebrate bagging a peak or after taking that epic mountain bike ride. Many breweries have regular running and biking clubs, offer yoga, host monthly speaker series, featuring local food trucks, sponsor charity events, and are providing much more to their patrons than just a pint.
The Education Connection

There is an overall general lack of understanding and appreciation for our precious water resources and what individuals can do to protect it. We are fortunate to be a Headwaters state, with water that begins in Colorado’s high country being utilized by 19 other states. We are the first users, and thus have the greatest responsibility to ensure responsible use and to sustain the quality of our water supplies and for those downstream. Unfortunately, many of our waterways are degraded by pollution, development, fires, and other natural and human-caused impacts. The good news is that by protecting and restoring our forests and rivers, we can safeguard our clean water, sustain our economy, and maintain a thriving brewery industry. Recognizing the synergy between the mission of brewing great beer and protecting our watersheds, the value of good brews and a healthy environment, we can create a partnership between breweries and citizens that will lead to a commitment to enhancing both the natural resources and the breweries that depend on them. We can collaborate with our brewery community to elevate the conversation around watershed health.
Why Breweries?
- A 2012 National Security Assessment named climate change-induced water shortages the greatest threat to global security
- With over 400 breweries, Colorado is home to the second most breweries in the entire country
- At the average brewery, it takes 7 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of beer
- Water is the main ingredient of beer, comprising 90%-95% of every beer
- With no end in sight for the rapid growth of breweries in Colorado, breweries must focus on water conservation through efficiency, and promote healthy watersheds to be able to utilize Colorado’s clean mountain-sourced water.
Look For These Coasters at Any of Our Member Locations!

The Coalition
The Brewshed® Alliance is a nationwide effort to protect our wild waterways by recognizing the role breweries can play in water conservation. Check out our partners below: