Get Involved

Respect the place, leave no trace — it sure would help a lot!Respect the place, leave no trace — it sure would help a lot!
Click here for more information.
Water Education Colorado is the leading organization for informing and engaging Coloradans on water issues.
Click here for more information.
Water ’22 is a year-long celebration of Colorado’s water, dedicated to the idea that “It all starts here.”
Click here for more information.
Scoop the Poop!

Pet waste left on the ground pollutes our waterways. Do your duty – please pick up after your pets!
Pet Waste Fact Sheet
Volunteer Opportunities
Citizen’s Advisory Group (CAG): Meets 2nd Fridays, 9:30-11:30 am at Fountain City Council Chambers, 116 S. Main Street, Fountain, CO
Citizens appointed by the Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District Board to represent various interests identified within the watershed and to consult with and offer advice to the Board on managing the watershed. An Outreach Subcommittee develops and leads educational events and activities across the watershed.
Creek Week: Meets intermittently between January-October each year to facilitate the Creek Week Cleanup.
The 2019 events will occur September 28-October 6th, 2019. Subcommittee work falls into these categories: Fundraising/Sponsorship, Communication/Marketing, Education/Outreach, Materials Management/Crew Leader Training, Registration and Events. Volunteers may serve on the Working or Advisory Committees in the areas of their expertise/choice.
Fountain Creek Brewshed® Alliance: Meets 3-4 times/year to coordinate education and outreach specific to breweries and taphouses.
The first of its kind in Colorado, the Fountain Creek Brewshed® Alliance works to connect the communities within the Fountain Creek Watershed to the shared values of healthy watersheds and locally made beer through education and events. Clean Water = Great Beer! The Alliance will facilitate a number of cleanups, fundraisers, and educational events throughout the year.
Other: Do you have an idea for a special project, or do you want to hone your skills by working for your home watershed? We have many short and long term needs that can be paired to an individual, family, business or organization. Visit with a Watershed District representative about your interests and we can go from there.