Fountain Creek Watershed Public Forum
Help shape the Fountain Creek Watershed's future!

The Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District was established in 2009 and was provided $50 million in order to mitigate flooding, erosion and sedimentation, address water quality issues, improve drainage, protect open spaces, and develop public recreational opportunities along our waterways. Over the last 14 years, the District has provided many improvements that protect the health and recreational opportunities of our region's main waterway. However, the original $50 million of funding will be exhausted soon.
The Fountain Creek Watershed is asking the public for feedback on how we should continue supporting and improving the health and recreational opportunities of our Fountain Creek Watershed. Do you have ideas about how to maintain and improve Fountain Creek? Please attend the Fountain Creek Watershed District Public Forum and let your voice be heard!
The Forum on May 24th at Monument Town Hall has been cancelled but will be rescheduled. Check back soon for rescheduling information or feel free to attend one of the other forums on the calendar.