Learning Monument Creek

Source Material: Learning Monument Creek
Thursday, APRIL 20: 4pm
@ Cornerstone Screening Room, Colorado College
(SE corner of Cache la Poudre and Cascade)
No RSVP required
What is Monument Creek? What does it mean? Who is it for and how was it made? Artist and writer Erin Elder has been making place-based work for 20 years and now turns attention to her hometown’s primary waterway. By learning to relate to this one particular creek in real time and space, her new creative research project is actively revealing unexpected layers of cultural history, hydrologic infrastructure, water science, public utility, as well as personal memories, fears, and dreams. In this illustrated talk, Erin will trace the lines of her creative practice, inviting listeners to journey along Monument Creek from source to confluence and everywhere between.
Image: Monument Creek at West Polk Road Bridge. Photo courtesy of Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District